El disco Poltergeist fue subido el 28/09/2016
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Nº Pista | Artista | Nombre Canción | Duración | Tamaño |
1 | Jerry Goldsmith | Carol Anne's Theme (End Title) | 4:19 | 2.5 MB |
2 | Jerry Goldsmith | Contacting the Other Side | 5:12 | 2.89 MB |
3 | Jerry Goldsmith | Escape from Suburbia | 7:13 | 4.3 MB |
4 | Jerry Goldsmith | It Knows What Scares You | 7:37 | 4.13 MB |
5 | Jerry Goldsmith | Night of the Beast | 3:52 | 2.24 MB |
6 | Jerry Goldsmith | Night Visitor | No Complaints | 9:06 | 5.02 MB |
7 | Jerry Goldsmith | Rebirth | 8:26 | 4.88 MB |
8 | Jerry Goldsmith | The Calling | the Neighborhood (Main Title) | 4:08 | 2.3 MB |
9 | Jerry Goldsmith | The Clown | They're Here-Broken Glass (Outtake) | the Hole (Outtake) | Tv People | 5:15 | 2.88 MB |
10 | Jerry Goldsmith | The Light | 2:07 | 1.18 MB |
11 | Jerry Goldsmith | The Star Spangled Banner | 1:30 | 0.91 MB |
12 | Jerry Goldsmith | The Tree (Outtake) | 2:27 | 1.34 MB |
13 | Jerry Goldsmith | Twisted Abduction | 6:58 | 4.1 MB |