El disco Lawrence of Arabia fue subido el 28/09/2016
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Nº Pista | Artista | Nombre Canción | Duración | Tamaño |
1 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | A Brilliant Bit of Soldiering | the Voice of the Guns | 2:06 | 1.25 MB |
2 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Adulation | 0:50 | 0.48 MB |
3 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Ali Rescues Lawrence | Allenby's Flattery | 3:12 | 1.63 MB |
4 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Arrival at Auda's Camp | 1:60 | 1.26 MB |
5 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Assembled Army | Lawrence and His Bodyguard | Arab Theme | 3:07 | 1.87 MB |
6 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Attack on Akaba | Lawrence at the Sea Shore | 2:03 | 1.19 MB |
7 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Bedouin Feast | 1:27 | 0.76 MB |
8 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Bugle Call | Lawrence on the Terrace | Intermission | 1:54 | 1.11 MB |
9 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Exodus | 2:25 | 1.39 MB |
10 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | First Entrance to the Desert | 4:25 | 2.44 MB |
11 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Gasim Lost in the Desert | 3:29 | 1.47 MB |
12 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | In Whose Name Do You Ride? | 2:34 | 1.36 MB |
13 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Lawrence and Tafas | 4:32 | 2.59 MB |
14 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Lawrence Rescues Gasim | Lawrence Returns with Gasim | the Riding | 6:38 | 3.85 MB |
15 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Lawrence Rides Alone | 0:51 | 0.49 MB |
16 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Main Titles | 1:57 | 1.22 MB |
17 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Military March | 1:19 | 0.79 MB |
18 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Mirage | the Sun's Anvil | 5:19 | 2.9 MB |
19 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Night and Stars | 1:12 | 0.71 MB |
20 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | On to Akaba | 3:19 | 2.07 MB |
21 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Overture | 4:24 | 2.65 MB |
22 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | Sinai Desert | After Quicksands | Hutments | Suez Canal | 6:17 | 3.06 MB |
23 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | That is the Desert (The Camels Will Die) | 2:38 | 1.47 MB |
24 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | The End | Play-Off Music | 4:01 | 2.38 MB |
25 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | The Horse Stampede | Farraj Killed | 2:56 | 1.71 MB |
26 | CD1. Maurice Jarre | We Need a Miracle | 2:39 | 1.42 MB |
27 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Cimarron Strip | Main Theme | 1:01 | 0.64 MB |
28 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Dead Poet's Society | 6:23 | 3.52 MB |
29 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Firefox | End Credits | 5:18 | 3.37 MB |
30 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Jesus of Nazareth | Concert Suite | 8:27 | 4.72 MB |
31 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Lawrence of Arabia | Nocturne (Alternative Version) | 1:53 | 1.04 MB |
32 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Moon Over Parador | 3:51 | 2.46 MB |
33 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Prancer | 6:20 | 3.78 MB |
34 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Resurrection | End Credits | 3:25 | 1.89 MB |
35 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Ryan's Daughter | Where Was I When the Parade Went By | 2:38 | 1.61 MB |
36 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Solar Crisis | End Credits | 6:52 | 4.13 MB |
37 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Sunshine | the Sonnensheins | 4:53 | 2.96 MB |
38 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Symphonic Dance Suite from the Magician of Lubin | Bicycles | 1:29 | 0.92 MB |
39 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Symphonic Dance Suite from the Magician of Lubin | the Feast | 1:48 | 1.14 MB |
40 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Symphonic Dance Suite from the Magician of Lubin | the Magician Flies | 1:56 | 1.2 MB |
41 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Symphonic Dance Suite from the Magician of Lubin | the Magician | 0:41 | 0.4 MB |
42 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Symphonic Dance Suite from the Magician of Lubin | the Park | 0:50 | 0.49 MB |
43 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | Symphonic Dance Suite from the Magician of Lubin | Warsaw | 0:35 | 0.39 MB |
44 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | The Fixer | Suite | 7:11 | 3.77 MB |
45 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | The Palanquin of Tears | End Credits | 2:48 | 1.75 MB |
46 | CD2. Maurice Jarre | The Voice of the Guns (Original Version) | 2:41 | 1.64 MB |