El disco Galaxy Quest fue subido el 28/09/2016
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Nº Pista | Artista | Nombre Canción | Duración | Tamaño |
1 | David Newman | Angry Sarris | Into The Ducts | Omega 13 | Heroic Guy | Reveal Chompers | Opening The Airlock | 3:33 | 3.25 MB |
2 | David Newman | Big Kiss | Happy Rock Monster | Dying Thermians | Quelleks Death | Into Reactor Room | Push The Button | a Hug Before Dying | 4:10 | 3.82 MB |
3 | David Newman | Crew Quarters & The Bridge | The Launch | 3:28 | 3.17 MB |
4 | David Newman | 'Digitize Me Fred' | 1:16 | 1.16 MB |
5 | David Newman | Fight, Episode 17 | 1:16 | 1.17 MB |
6 | David Newman | Galaxy Quest TV Clip #3 | Introducing Sarris | Revealing The Universe | 1:53 | 1.73 MB |
7 | David Newman | Galaxy Quest: The Classic TV Theme | 0:59 | 0.9 MB |
8 | David Newman | Goodbye Sarris | Happy Ending | 2:06 | 1.93 MB |
9 | David Newman | 'I'm So Sorry' | 1:44 | 1.59 MB |
10 | David Newman | Jason Takes Action | Sarris Tortures Captain | 1:43 | 1.58 MB |
11 | David Newman | Mathesar Takes Command | Sarris Kills Everybody | 2:20 | 2.14 MB |
12 | David Newman | Mathesar, Hero | Goodbye My Friends | Crash Landing | 1:48 | 1.65 MB |
13 | David Newman | Pathetic Nesmith | 1:01 | 0.93 MB |
14 | David Newman | Red Thingie, Green Thingie... Run! | 3:33 | 3.25 MB |
15 | David Newman | Rolling The Sphere | Pig Lizard | Rock Monster | 6:09 | 5.63 MB |
16 | David Newman | Sarris Orders Attack | The Battle | 3:37 | 3.31 MB |
17 | David Newman | Shuttle to Planet | Trek Across Planet | 4:29 | 4.11 MB |
18 | David Newman | The Hallway Sneak | Alex Finds Quellek | 2:19 | 2.12 MB |
19 | David Newman | The N.S.E.A Protector | 0:46 | 0.7 MB |
20 | David Newman | The New Galaxy Quest | 2:52 | 2.63 MB |
21 | David Newman | Transporting The Crew | Meet The Thermians | 1:37 | 1.48 MB |
22 | David Newman | TV Clip | 1:34 | 1.44 MB |