El disco An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power fue subido el 01/09/2017
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Nº Pista | Artista | Nombre Canción | Duración | Tamaño |
1 | Jeff Beal | Ten Years Later (Main Title Theme) | 2:48 | 2.58 MB |
2 | Jeff Beal | Man on a Mission | 2:17 | 2.11 MB |
3 | Jeff Beal | Greenland | 1:51 | 1.71 MB |
4 | Jeff Beal | View from Space | 5:23 | 4.93 MB |
5 | Jeff Beal | The Moulin | 1:33 | 1.43 MB |
6 | Jeff Beal | Feed the Beast | 1:39 | 1.52 MB |
7 | Jeff Beal | Projected Sea Levels | 1:14 | 1.14 MB |
8 | Jeff Beal | Fear New Information | 2:34 | 2.36 MB |
9 | Jeff Beal | Two Feet At a Time | 1:18 | 1.21 MB |
10 | Jeff Beal | Good Time to Run Things | 1:14 | 1.14 MB |
11 | Jeff Beal | Paris Accord | 1:22 | 1.27 MB |
12 | Jeff Beal | Provide for Their People | 2:16 | 2.08 MB |
13 | Jeff Beal | Chronic Smog | 0:55 | 0.85 MB |
14 | Jeff Beal | Tacloban | 3:26 | 3.16 MB |
15 | Jeff Beal | Water Cycle | 3:25 | 3.15 MB |
16 | Jeff Beal | Paris | 1:32 | 1.42 MB |
17 | Jeff Beal | Demands from India | 2:09 | 1.98 MB |
18 | Jeff Beal | Senseless Terror | 0:48 | 0.75 MB |
19 | Jeff Beal | Stand with You | 2:31 | 2.31 MB |
20 | Jeff Beal | Common Sense | 4:08 | 3.79 MB |
21 | Jeff Beal | Political Power | 4:07 | 3.78 MB |
22 | Jeff Beal | Repeating the Pattern | 1:17 | 1.19 MB |
23 | Jeff Beal | 100 Year Storm | 1:08 | 1.05 MB |
24 | Jeff Beal | Solar Power | 2:25 | 2.22 MB |
25 | Jeff Beal | Texas Wind Farms | 0:59 | 0.91 MB |
26 | Jeff Beal | Discover Launch | 1:50 | 1.69 MB |
27 | Jeff Beal | Arc of History | 5:48 | 5.32 MB |
28 | OneRepublic | Truth to Power | 3:25 | 3.14 MB |